Manis, Movies, & Luke Wilson

I mentioned in my last post that blogging regularly is one of my New Year’s resolutions. Since my theme for my blog is themes, I have, of course, decided upon themes for each day of the week.

Mani Monday: A day to show off my newest nail polish find. These manicures will all be in accordance with my theme for the month. Since January’s theme is the New Year, expect a lot of glitter.

My New Year's Eve mani

My New Year’s Eve mani. Not the best color combo, but lots of festive glitter to commemorate the ball drop. 

Wildcard Wednesdays: A day reserved for whatever pops into my head on these days. I imagine that they will mostly consist of philosophical pop culture musings and amusing stories of bad things that have happened to me.

Weekend Watchlist (Fridays): Weekends are for relaxing, and I know that most of America spends it on the couch watching Netflix. I will recommend movies/shows based on the month’s theme.

Since it is 1:50am, it is technically Thursday. However, I am calling it Wednesday because I have not gone to bed yet and also because I have a Wildcard Wednesday story involving Luke Wilson.

I was leaving Target on a dark, drizzly night. Thus, I was being more cautious than usual on the one-way side street towards my house. As I neared the stop at the end of the road, I noticed a midnight-blue sports car trying to turn the wrong way into my road. I turned towards the curb and tried to stop quickly without skidding on the dark puddles underneath my wheels. My heart tried to keep up with my rising blood pressure as I watched the car Tokyo-drift around me, narrowly missing me. For a split second, I made eye contact with the driver. We were barely a foot apart. Deep-set eyes drilled into mine. I noticed how calm he was. I sat for a moment after he passed. I realized I was holding my breath.  I exhaled as I thought about what had just happened. I remembered the puppy dog eyes, the square chin, the modelesque woman in a shiny dress possessively touching his shoulder. Was that… Luke Wilson?